News Letter and an Idea ……….. “Pie Safe ” ???

The newsletter seemed to grow some , so the girls are still working to get it out, hopefully today and I have some additional writing to do, as well.

     We have tossed around the idea of a unique and fun project for  a fall, on-line free show,  basically it will be like the pay show , but free to all , sort of “here is what our show is like”,  type thing, maybe draw some attention to our show .

       The project I have in mind is one I am quite familiar with, a ‘Pie Safe”, a nice 12 tin , pie safe,.

 Did you know the pie safe is the only true piece of american furniture, it is not found anywhere else, and here in Virginia , well we are famous for our pie safes,.  for those who may not know what a pie safe is, here is a picture of one I did,

  They are relatively simple, and alot of fun to do, and the tin punching can be a shared family thing, just think it would be a fun build.

   What ya think ..??????

   Well its back to writing, and have some clients coming in to-day, got to film the blanket chest final webisode, and start prepping for the slant front desk build… so best get to it

Later y’all

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12 Responses to News Letter and an Idea ……….. “Pie Safe ” ???

  1. Rich says:

    I think the pie safe thing is a great idea Charles.
    It looks like it would be a fun build.

  2. Lige says:

    Great! And you need to market yourself and all that you offer woodworkers worldwide. Thanks, Lige

  3. Jay Highland says:

    Excellent idea. The more mileage you can create, the better. I’m all for it. And besides, maybe momma will make a pie here and there!

  4. milranch1 says:

    Beautiful Piece Charles!! Yeah, I’d be up for that!! Thanks so much for everything!


  5. MIKE WILSON says:

    Go for it big boy!!!

  6. Lim Peacock says:

    Well…I likes me some pie, so keeping ’em safe wood be a good idea. Charles, it looks like a great project. My wife has always wanted one!

  7. Will it be in installments on you tube? A 30 minute DIY teaser? Looks like everyone thinks it is a great idea. Hope it brings in the webinar folks for you,

  8. yes doc, possibly in about 45 min to 1 hour installments, just like the show, and we may also have it on the streaming players… not sure just yet ,

  9. Jim B says:

    Great Idea Charles ,a pie safe is a classic. I hope that all the folks out there will take advantage of this project.if you decide to go forward with it.

  10. David Madison says:

    The pie safe is a great idea and my wife likes it also. She has already made a request to size it to fit some special items she wants storage for. Thats fine with me as pies don’t last long enough to require a safe in our home anyway.

  11. don says:

    I like it; gonna have to get another hard drive!

  12. The pie safe is my favorite piece that we have ever made and I enjoy punching the tins. We know a lot of tricks for that too!

    At this time, I plan to put this project on youtube as well as our free video archive on our site. We will probably not stream it but have it buffer as our other free videos do, too expensive to stream it. The weekly show which is paid for by the subscribers supports the cost of the storage to stream.

    The marketing of the show is difficult, the best tool is word of mouth, so get your mouths moving and not just on our site! …….Sherri

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